Tables Description

This document lists KeyServer's data tables, the fields of each table, and details about them.

Typical consumption and interaction with the data is done through KeyConfigure or the Web UI. The tables can be queried in their raw form via the ksql Extra in the Web UI. They can also be accessed via ODBC using our driver, ksODBC. ksODBC is installed by default by the ksp-admin installer. You can install just ksODBC without KeyConfigure if that is all you need on a particular computer. You can also configure KeyServer to export its internal data into tables that use the same structure — see Database Export for more on this.

At the bottom of this document are some Example Queries.

Finally, if you are upgrading from a prior major release, there is information on adding new fields to your export database.

List of Tables

  • Audit data which tracks what programs (ksPrograms) were discovered on each computer.
  • Audit data which tracks "Packages" installed on each computer. This is meant primarily for KeyServer's internal use in determining what Products are installed, but is useful for things like the HotFixes report.
  • Audit data which tracks what products are on each computer, based on an examination of the programs discovered on each computer (KSAudits). This table is generated nightly according to the settings in KeyConfigure's General Settings dialog.
  • All Computer records as created by any of the following: Connection from KeyAccess agent, Import from another source by script (e.g. Jamf or InTune), Import from CSV, Manual addition in Web UI.
KSComputerDevices KSComputerDivisions
  • Computer Divisions ("folders") which have been created in KeyConfigure or the Web UI or programmatically by Client Authentication.
  • These appear on the left side computers window/ page. Often based on Active Directory OUs.
  • There is no entry for the Uncategorized division as that is the lack of a division.
  • KSComputerGroupMembers is a cross table to associate computers and groups.
  • This table only contains entries for computers which have been explicitly added to Computer Groups. If a group has a location defined, but no computers listed explicitly, this table will not have any entries referring to that group.
  • Computer Groups which have been configured in KeyConfigure.
  • This table does not contain entries for groups which are defined by external authorization methods (e.g. AD User groups).
  • Events showing changes to computer objects over time (e.g. change in Lifecycle Stage).
  • Tags which have been applied to Computers.
  • Contracts referenced by purchases and policies.
  • This table holds displays, storage, printers, and other devices. Some of these can be populated directly by the KeyAccess client (displays, storage), while others can be imported using various integrations, or created manually.
  • Events showing changes to device objects over time.
  • Hotfixes (Windows only) which have been seen on client computers.
  • This table tracks what managed programs, products, and policies are currently in use on each computer, by each user.
  • Note that it is probably not too useful for reports, since it changes so quickly.
  • This table is not exported, since it changes so quickly.
  • Admin Journal entries which are currently displayed in the Admin Alerts Window (have not yet been acknowledged and move to the Admin Journal WIndow).
  • Admin Journal entries which are currently displayed in the Admin Journal Window.
  • Admin Journal Topics are the different types of entries that can appear in the Alerts and Journal. There can be many specific Journal entries within each Topic.
  • KSLicensedComputers is a cross table to associate computers and policies.
  • It keeps track of each computer which has used a policy.
  • Note that if the policy is a Node policy, the number of entries for this policy will be less than or equal to the policy total.
  • If the policy is a site wide or concurrent use policy, there can be any number of entries for the policy in this table, since it shows everywhere it has been used.
  • KSLicensedUsers is a cross table to associate Users and Policies.
  • It keeps track of each User who is licensed for a User based Policy.
  • For other policy metrics it is empty.
  • Locations. This table has entries corresponding to items in the Locations window in KeyConfigure.
  • Models. This table has entries corresponding to items in the Models window in KeyConfigure. New in 8.0.
  • Packages. This table has entries corresponding to Packages, which help support Product Recognition.
  • Policies. Each policy may apply to use of one or more products.
  • This table holds entries for the policy folders which can be defined in KeyConfigure.
  • Note that a policy can only belong to a single folder.
  • Events showing changes to policy objects over time.
  • All policies have at least one pool
  • This is where the group restriction is stored, if there is one
  • For custom policies, the rows in this table correspond to the pools in the Policy Details window.
  • Associates policies with the products they manage.
  • Tags which have been applied to Policies.
  • Shows what portable licenses are currently checked out.
  • This table is not exported.
  • Associates products with programs.
  • Associates product families with individual product editions.
  • This table holds entries for the product folders which can be defined in KeyConfigure.
  • Note that a product can only belong to a single folder.
  • Associates products with packages.
  • Product, as listed in the main Products window of KeyConfigure.
  • Tags which have been applied to Products.
  • This table holds entries for the program folders which can be defined in KeyConfigure.
  • Note that a program can only belong to a single folder.
  • All known programs.
  • Allocations of entitlements from one purchase to another - to support dependent purchases.
  • Activation codes or Serial Numbers associated with each purchase.
  • Owner information for purchase codes
  • Documents or links associated with each purchase.
  • This table holds entries for the purchase folders which can be defined in KeyConfigure.
  • Note that a purchase can only belong to a single folder.
  • Each purchase item corresponds to a line in the Purchases window of KeyConfigure.
  • A purchase item is part of a purchase order.
  • A purchase order contains the common values of a set of related purchase items.
  • Purchase orders aggregate related individual purchase items.
  • For a dependent purchase, which requires support, this table records which products can be used to support the purchase.
  • Tags which have been applied to Purchases.
  • Table containing one entry for every KeyServer.
  • When connecting directly to a KeyServer, this table will have only one entry.
  • When exporting data from multiple KeyServers to a single SQL server, this table will have multiple entries.
  • Section data which aggregates Computer Divisions into Sections, and allow distinct KeyConfigure Administrators to manage different sets of Computers.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.computerAllowed constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.ComputerFormFactor constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.ComputerStatus constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.computerCPUType constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSPurchaseItems.purchaseCurrency constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSDevices.deviceStatus constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSDevices.deviceCategory constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSDevices.deviceType constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSPolicies.Enforcement constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSPurchaseItems.entitlementType constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSUsage.usageEvent constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.computerLifeStage constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSPolicies.policyMetric constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.computerOSFamily constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.computerOSType constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.computerPlatform constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSDevices.PrinterService constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSPolicies.policyAction constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSProducts.productStatus constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.computerProtocol constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSPurchaseItems.purchaseType constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSComputers.computerRAMType constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSUsage.usageReason constants.
  • Provides long and short string representations of the KSPrograms.programStatus constants.
  • Usage records which track both program and policy usage, as well as client logins, logouts, audits, etc.
  • This table holds entries for the User folders which can be defined in KeyConfigure.
  • Note that a User can only belong to a single folder.
  • This table holds information about KeyServer Users (The same ones that are shown in the Users Window of KeyConfigure).
  • Tags which have been applied to Users.
  • This table holds the currently logged in users of KeyServer (The same ones that are shown in the Connected Clients Window of KeyConfigure).
  • Note that it is probably not too useful for reports, since it changes so quickly.
  • This table is not exported, since it changes so quickly.
  • This table does not exist internally in KeyServer.
  • It is only used in exported databases.
  • It keeps track of the last time that each table was exported, so that exports can be incremental.
  • This table does not exist internally in KeyServer.
  • It is only used in exported databases.
  • It keeps track of the progress made in an ongoing export.


KeyServer's internal databases (accessible through ksODBC) contain the same columns as exported data. However, the data types might be slightly different. The types listed below are correct for exported data. If you need to create the tables by hand before exporting data from KeyServer, you should use the types contained in the tables below.

The Type column contains these possible values:

  • C - Client provided, i.e. populated by KeyAccess
  • S - Provided by Sassafras, i.e. populated by PRS
  • M - Manual entry, by admin user or by scripted import
  • R - Reference, i.e. links to other tables

  • KSAudits

    Field Format Type Description
    auditID VARCHAR(208) Unique ID for this audit entry.
    auditServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    auditComputerID VARCHAR(64) Part of the auditID. The computer which this audit came from. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    auditProgramID VARCHAR(80) Part of the auditID. The ID of the program for this entry. References the programID field of KSPrograms, and can be used to join the two tables.
    auditSize INT Size of the program on the client computer. Note that if on a single computer there are 3 copies of the same version of the same program, this field shows the size of one of them - the different files could have different sizes but only one size is recorded in KSAudits.
    auditCount INT The number of copies of this program that were found on the computer.
    auditFirstSeen DATETIME Date when the program was first seen on this computer.
    auditLastSeen DATETIME Date when the program was reported as no longer present on this computer. This is only filled in if auditCount is zero. Otherwise it is null.
    auditLastUsed DATETIME Date when the program was last used on this computer.
    auditSerialNumber VARCHAR(256) The installed serial number of this program, if KeyAccess knows how to find it.
    auditPath VARCHAR(256) In 6.2, this field now contains a path for this program on the local computer. Note that if there are multiple copies of the exact same version of a program installed, there will only be one row in the KSAudits table, so there can only be one path recorded.


    Field Format Type Description
    audpkgID VARCHAR(264) Unique ID for this audit products entry.
    audpkgServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    audpkgComputerID VARCHAR(64) Part of the audpkgID. The computer which this audit came from. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    audpkgPackageID VARCHAR(64) Part of the audpkgID. The ID of the package for this entry. References the packageID field of KSPackages, and can be used to join the two tables.
    audpkgFirstSeen DATETIME Date when the package was first seen on this computer.
    audpkgLastSeen DATETIME Date when the package was reported as no longer present on this computer. This is only filled in if the package is no longer present. Otherwise it is null.
    audpkgLastScan DATETIME Date when a scan last saw that this package was still present.
    audpkgSerialNumber VARCHAR(256) The installed serial number of this package, if KeyAccess knows how to find it.


    Field Format Type Description
    audprodID VARCHAR(168) Unique ID for this audit products entry.
    audprodServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    audprodComputerID VARCHAR(64) Part of the audprodID. The computer which this audit came from. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    audprodProductID VARCHAR(40) Part of the audprodID. The ID of the product for this entry. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables. See also audprodAltProductID below.
    audprodAltProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the alternative product for this entry. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables. If this field is non-NULL, the product given in audprodProductID is a better fit for this computer given the program usage recorded for that computer. When querying for products that are installed (without considering usage), the query should include a WHERE clause like: (audprodAltProductID IS NULL)
    audprodFirstSeen DATETIME Date when the product was first seen on this computer.
    audprodLastUsed DATETIME Date when a program within this product was last used on this computer.
    audprodSerialNumber VARCHAR(256) The installed serial number of this product, if KeyAccess knows how to find it.
    audprodFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    compdevID VARCHAR(168) R Unique ID for this record.
    compdevServerID INT R The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    compdevDeviceID VARCHAR(40) R Part of the compdevID. References the deviceID field of KSDevices, and can be used to join the two tables.
    compdevComputerID VARCHAR(64) R Part of the compdevID. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    compdevLastSeen DATETIME C The last time this device was seen attached to this computer.
    compdevFlags INT R Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    divisionID INT Unique ID for this division.
    divisionServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    divisionName VARCHAR(128) The name of the division.
    divisionColor INT The color which KeyConfigure uses to display the division. When displayed as hex, the first two digits are the Blue value, the next two are the Green value, the final two are the Red value.
    divisionSectionID INT ID of the Section associated with this division. References the sectionID field of KSSections, and can be used to join the two tables.
    divisionNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the division. Can't be set in KeyConfigure.
    divisionFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    memberID VARCHAR(136) Unique ID for this association between one computer and one group.
    memberServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    memberComputerID VARCHAR(64) Part of the memberID. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    memberGroupID VARCHAR(64) Part of the memberID. References the groupID field of KSComputerGroups, and can be used to join the two tables.
    memberAcknowledged INT Ignore.
    memberLastUsed DATETIME The last time the computer used membership in the group in order to use a policy.


    Field Format Type Description
    groupID VARCHAR(64) Unique ID for this computer group.
    groupServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    groupNumMembers INT Number of members currently in the group.
    groupMaxMembers INT Ignore.
    groupNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the group, as defined in KeyConfigure.
    groupFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    computerID VARCHAR(64) Unique ID for this computer. Note that if the computerID starts with 'W', 'L', 'T', or 'K', the ID is what is shown in KeyConfigure's Computers window, instead of the name.
    computerServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    computerName VARCHAR(64) Name of the computer. Note that if the computerID starts with 'W', 'L', 'T', or 'K', the ID is what is shown in KeyConfigure's Computers window, instead of the name.
    computerUserName VARCHAR(32) Name of the user most recently logged into the computer.
    computerPlatform INT A code which represents the platform type of the computer. Use KSTermPlatform to convert these constants to string representations.
    computerProtocol INT Specifies how the computer connects to KeyServer. Use the KSTermProtocol table to look up these constants.
    computerAddress VARCHAR(32) The IP address of the computer, as a string.
    computerDomain VARCHAR(32) The domain that the computer belongs to.
    computerDescription VARCHAR(64) Description of the computer - currently Windows only.
    computerVirtualHost VARCHAR(64) If KeyAccess version or higher is running in Virtual PC, this field contains the name of the "real" host computer where Virtual PC is running.
    computerGMTOffset INT Offset from GMT in seconds.
    computerLastStartup DATETIME Date when the computer was last started up.
    computerOSFamily INT Code which specifies the OS family. Use KSTermOSFamily to convert these constants to string representations.
    computerOSType INT Code which specifies the OS type. Use KSTermOSType to convert these constants to string representations.
    computerOSVersion INT Number which specifies the OS version. first byte is major version, second is minor version, last two bytes is build number.
    • 10.6.8 would be 0x0a060008 in hex (or 168165384 in decimal)
    • 5.1 build 26000 would be 0x05010A28 in hex (or 83954216 in decimal).
    computerOSRelease INT Number which specifies the release number of the OS.
    • On Macintosh, this field stores the revision version of the OS. Usually this field will be either 0 or hex 0x01008000 (decimal 16809984), which means revision 1.
    • On Windows, this field stores the SP number in the third byte. For example, SP2 would be 0x00020000 in hex (or 131072 in decimal).
    computerOSInstallDate DATETIME Original Install Date of the current OS.
    computerOS64Bit INT Whether or not the OS is 64 bit.
    computerCPUType INT Code which specifies the type of CPU in the computer. Use KSTermCPUType to convert these constants to string representations.
    computerCPUCount INT How many CPU cores the computer has. Computers with KeyAccess or earlier will always show 1 core. Computers with KeyAccess or better will show the correct number of cores.
    computerCPUSockets INT How many separate CPUs (sockets) the computer has. Computers with KeyAccess or earlier will always show 1 socket. Computers with KeyAccess or better will show the correct number of sockets.
    computerCPUClock INT Clock speed of the CPU, in Mhz. For machines with multiple CPUs, this is the clock speed of each CPU.
    computerCPUDescription VARCHAR(64) The CPU description as returned by hardware - not normalized.
    computerCPU64Bit INT Whether or not the CPU is 64 bit.
    computerHyperThreading INT Whether or not the CPU supports hyperthreading.
    computerMulticore INT Whether or not the CPU is multi core.
    computerCapabilities INT Additional CPU capabilities.
    computerPVUs INT Number of PVUs for this computer.
    computerRAMSize INT Kilobytes of RAM on the computer.
    computerRAMType INT Code which specifies the type of RAM in the computer. Use KSTermRAMType to convert these constants to string representations.
    computerRAMArray VARCHAR(520) An array which records the RAM chips which are present.
    computerDiskSize INT Size of all local disks combined, in Kilobytes.
    computerFreeSpace INT Kilobytes of free space on disk.
    computerDiskManufacturer VARCHAR(32) Manufacturer of the system disk.
    computerDiskModel VARCHAR(32) Model of the system disk.
    computerDisplayCount INT Number of displays connected to this computer.
    computerDisplayWidth INT Width in pixels of the primary display.
    computerDisplayHeight INT Height in pixels of the primary display.
    computerDisplayDepth INT Bit depth of the primary display.
    computerDisplayManufacturer VARCHAR(32) Manufacturer of the display.
    computerDisplayModel VARCHAR(32) Model of the display.
    computerDisplaySerial VARCHAR(32) Serial number of the display.
    computerVideoManufacturer VARCHAR(32) Manufacturer of the video card.
    computerVideoModel VARCHAR(32) Model of the video card.
    computerVRAMSize INT Kilobytes of Video RAM on the computer.
    computerMACAddress VARCHAR(32) MAC address of the primary NIC.
    computerMACManufacturer VARCHAR(32) Manufacturer of the primary NIC.
    computerMACModel VARCHAR(32) Model of the primary NIC.
    computerWirelessAddress VARCHAR(32) MAC address of the wireless interface, if there is one.
    computerWirelessManufacturer VARCHAR(32) Manufacturer of the wireless interface, if there is one.
    computerWirelessModel VARCHAR(32) Model of the wireless interface, if there is one.
    computerMACArray VARCHAR(520) An array which records MAC addresses for all interfaces.
    computerDepartment VARCHAR(64) A value that KeyAccess fills in with whatever value it finds in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KeyAccess\Settings\options\site or in the site property of /Library/Preferences/com.sassafras.KeyAccess.plist
    computerOEMSerial VARCHAR(64) Manufacturer's serial number.
    computerOSSerial VARCHAR(64) Serial number of the OS, if it is available.
    computerBaseboardSerial VARCHAR(64) The serial number of the Win32_BaseBoard object. This serial number may also be used as the computerOEMSerial.
    computerSystemSerial VARCHAR(64) The serial number of the Win32_SystemEnclosure object. This serial number may also be used as the computerOEMSerial.
    computerUUID VARCHAR(64) The UUID of the client computer.
    computerSCCMUniqueID VARCHAR(64) The SCCM Unique ID.
    computerManufacturer VARCHAR(64) Manufacturer of the computer.
    computerModel VARCHAR(64) Model name of the computer.
    computerBIOSSerial VARCHAR(64) The serial number of the Win32_BIOS object. This serial number may also be used as the computerOEMSerial.
    computerBIOSModel VARCHAR(32) Model of the BIOS.
    computerBIOSVersion VARCHAR(32) Version of the BIOS.
    computerCDROMPresent INT Whether or not there is a CD-ROM drive.
    computerCDROMWritable INT Whether or not there is a writable CD-ROM drive.
    computerCDROMManufacturer VARCHAR(32) Manufacturer of the CD-ROM, if there is one.
    computerCDROMModel VARCHAR(32) Model of the CD-ROM, if there is one.
    computerDVDPresent INT Whether or not there is a DVD drive.
    computerDVDWritable INT Whether or not there is a writable DVD drive.
    computerSoundManufacturer VARCHAR(32) Manufacturer of the sound card.
    computerSoundModel VARCHAR(32) Model of the sound card.
    computerLeaseExpiration DATETIME Last date and time at which this computer's KeyServer seat will expire if there is not further activity.
    computerLastLogin DATETIME Last date and time at which this computer logged in to the KeyServer.
    computerLastAudit DATETIME Last date and time at which this computer was audited.
    computerBaseAudit DATETIME Date and time of this computer's Baseline Audit.
    computerLastImport DATETIME Date and time that this record was last imported from an external source.
    computerClientVersion VARCHAR(16) Version number of KeyAccess on the computer, as a string.
    computerUserSession INT This refers to the user session number on KeyServer. Essentially useless for reports.
    computerAcknowledged INT A boolean representing whether or not the computer is Anchored.
    computerAllowed INT What type Login this client uses. Use KSTermAllowed to convert these constants to string representations.
    computerStatus INT Current status of the computer:
    4 - on with session, 3 - idle session, 2 - on available, 1 - agent too old to know status, 0 - off
    computerFormFactor INT Use KSTermComputerFormFactor to convert these constants to string representations.
    computerLatitude INT Latitude of this computer represented as millionths. e.g. 43.7022° would be stored as 43702200. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    computerLongitude INT Longitude of this computer represented as millionths. e.g. -72.2896° would be stored as -72289600. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    computerAudit INT Boolean which indicates whether this computer will audit automatically.
    computerLifeStage INT Which stage of life cycle this computer is in, as configured in KeyConfigure Use KSTermLifeStage to see which number refers to each policy metric.
    computerDivisionID INT ID of the division associated with this computer. References the divisionID field of KSComputerDivisions, and can be used to join the two tables.
    computerSectionID INT ID of the Section associated with this computer's division. References the sectionID field of KSSections, and can be used to join the two tables.
    computerStationID VARCHAR(32) Station ID, can be used when replacing hardware.
    computerAssetID VARCHAR(32) Asset ID, as defined in KeyConfigure in Asset pane of Computer Details window.
    computerLocation VARCHAR(64) Location, as defined in KeyConfigure in Asset pane of Computer Details window.
    computerRegion VARCHAR(64) Region of this computer, which can be used as you want. For example this might store City, State. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    computerBuilding VARCHAR(64) Building where this computer is located. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    computerRoom VARCHAR(64) Room where this computer is located. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    computerOwner VARCHAR(64) Owner, as defined in Asset pane of Computer Details window.
    computerManagedBy VARCHAR(64) Managing entity, as defined in Asset pane of Computer Details window.
    computerOnLoanTo VARCHAR(64) Who the computer is currently loaned to. For most records this filed will be blank.
    computerOnLoanUntil DATETIME When the loan for this computer is over - i.e. when it is due back.
    computerConfirmed DATETIME Date when computer was confirmed, as defined in Asset pane of Computer Details window.
    computerConfirmedBy VARCHAR(32) Who confirmed the computer, as defined in Asset pane of Computer Details window.
    computerPurchaseID VARCHAR(80) The ID of the purchase linked to this computer. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    computerPurchaseDate DATETIME Date when computer was purchased. This date can be populated directly in the computer record without linking to a purchase.
    computerLeaseEndDate DATETIME Date when the lease of a computer ends. This date can be populated directly in the computer record without linking to a purchase.
    computerWarrantyDate DATETIME Date when the warranty for a computer expires.
    computerReplaceDate DATETIME Date when this computer is expected to be replaced.
    computerReplaceCost BIGINT The expected replacment cost of the computer.
    computerSalvageValue BIGINT The salvage value for this computer.
    computerServiceURL VARCHAR(256) A URL that references this same computer in an external service.
    computerInService DATETIME Date this computer was put into service New in 8.0
    computerBaseModelID VARCHAR(32) ID of the base model of this computer New in 8.0
    computerReplacementModelID VARCHAR(32) ID of the replacement model for this computer New in 8.0
    computerReplacementStatus INT ID of the replacement status for this computer. See KSTerm tables New in 8.0
    computerEOLAction INT ID of the end of life action for this computer. See KSTerm tables New in 8.0
    computerNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the computer, as defined in Asset pane of Computer Details window.
    computerFlags INT Ignore.
    computerCustom1 VARCHAR(64) There are 10 custom fields in the Computers table. In order to use these fields, they must first be defined per Custom Columns. Once defined, the columns will be available via ksODBC and will be exported. For example, if you name the first field "Segment", then the computers table will show a column named "computerSegment". Note when using Filters you use usr0-9 as the field names.


    Field Format Type Description
    comphistID VARCHAR(40) Unique ID for this event.
    comphistServerID INT ID of the KeyServer where this event occurred.
    comphistWhen DATETIME Timestamp of the event occurrence.
    comphistEnum INT Enumeration value for events that occur within the same second.
    comphistComputerID VARCHAR(64) ID of the computer for which the event occurred. References KSComputers
    comphistField VARCHAR(5) Four digit code for the field that was changed. See KSComputers.
    comphistType VARCHAR(5) Base type of the data, like “long” or “text”.
    comphistFrom VARCHAR(264) Original value of the changed field.
    comphistTo VARCHAR(264) New value of the changed field.
    comphistFromNumeric INT Numeric representation of the comphistFromNumeric value.
    comphistToNumeric INT Numeric representation of the comphistToNumeric value.
    comphistWho VARCHAR(64) Authenticated user that made the change. Blank if change was made by script or automation.
    comphistFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    tagID VARCHAR(264) Unique ID for this Computer tag.
    tagServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    tagComputerID VARCHAR(64) Part of the tagID. The computer which this tag applies to. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    tagName VARCHAR(64) The name of the tag.
    tagValue VARCHAR(64) The value of the tag.


    Field Format Type Description
    contractID INT Unique ID for this row of KSContracts.
    contractServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    contractName VARCHAR(64) The name of the contract, as entered in the purchase details or policy details.


    Field Format Type Description
    deviceID VARCHAR(40) Unique ID for this device.
    deviceServerID INT The ID of the server that created this entry.
    deviceName VARCHAR(64) Name of the device. If manually set in Device Detail it will not be replaced by device query.
    deviceCategory INT Main category of the device (e.g. Display, Storage, Printer), stored as a number. Use KSTermDeviceCategory to convert these constants to string representations.
    deviceType INT The type of device within its main category (e.g. Hard Drive vs Solid State Drive), stored as a number. Use KSTermDeviceType to convert these constants to string representations.
    deviceStatus INT Status of the device. For example, using PaperCut to query printers, this is routinely polled from the server, and would indicate OK vs paper jam etc.
    deviceLastCheck DATETIME The last time the status of the device was updated via an integration or import.
    deviceSpec0 INT One of the main specs that is relevant to this device.
    deviceSpec1 INT One of the main specs that is relevant to this device.
    deviceSpec2 INT One of the main specs that is relevant to this device.
    deviceSpec3 INT One of the main specs that is relevant to this device.
    deviceState0 INT One of the main current states that is relevant to this device.
    deviceState1 INT One of the main current states that is relevant to this device.
    deviceState2 INT One of the main current states that is relevant to this device.
    deviceState3 INT One of the main current states that is relevant to this device.
    deviceInkLevel INT Ink level - specific to printers.
    deviceInkLevels VARCHAR(20) Binary representation of all ink levels - specific to printers.
    deviceLifeStage INT Which stage of life cycle this device is in, as set in the device details. Use KSTermLifeStage to see which number refers to each policy metric.
    deviceLatitude INT Latitude of this device represented as millionths. e.g. 43.7022° would be stored as 43702200. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    deviceLongitude INT Longitude of this device represented as millionths. e.g. -72.2896° would be stored as -72289600. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    deviceComputerID VARCHAR(64) ID of the computer associated with this device. References computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    deviceDivisionID INT ID of the division associated with this device. References the divisionID field of KSComputerDivisions, and can be used to join the two tables.
    deviceSectionID INT ID of the section associated with this device. References the sectionID field of KSSections, and can be used to join the two tables.
    deviceLastSeen DATE The last time that this device was reported directly by a KeyAccess client process.
    deviceLastImport DATE The last time that this device was imported (usually by a script/integration).
    deviceAddress VARCHAR(32) IP address of the device.
    deviceServiceType INT Service type for this device, as set in device details in the Printer record. This indicates where the device data came from - e.g. PaperCut.
    deviceServiceID VARCHAR(64) External service identifier for this device.
    deviceServiceURL VARCHAR(128) External service URL for this device, e.g. a server that has provided data for multiple devices.
    deviceExternalURL VARCHAR(256) URL relevant to this device, e.g. for this device's information in another system.
    deviceDescription VARCHAR(256) Description of the device, as set in Categorization pane in the Device Details.
    deviceDepartment VARCHAR(64) Department of the device, as defined in Asset pane of Device Details window.
    deviceSerialNumber VARCHAR(64) Serial number of the device.
    deviceManufacturer VARCHAR(64) Manufacturer of the device, if it is available or has been set manually.
    deviceModel VARCHAR(64) Model name of the device, if it is available or has been set manually.
    deviceUUID VARCHAR(64) UUID of the device.
    deviceFirmware VARCHAR(64) Firmware version that is installed on the device.
    deviceAssetID VARCHAR(64) Asset ID, as defined in Asset pane of Device Details window.
    deviceLocation VARCHAR(64) Location of the device, as defined in Asset pane of Device Details window.
    deviceRegion VARCHAR(64) Region of this device, which can be used as you want. For example this might store City, State. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    deviceBuilding VARCHAR(64) Building where this device is located. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    deviceRoom VARCHAR(64) Room where this device is located. Currently not populated directly by the KeyServer Platform, but available for imports or integrations.
    deviceOwner VARCHAR(64) Owner, as defined in Asset pane of Device Details window.
    deviceManagedBy VARCHAR(64) Managing entity, as defined in Asset pane of Device Details window.
    deviceOnLoanTo VARCHAR(64) Who the device is currently loaned to. For most records this field will be blank.
    deviceOnLoanUntil DATETIME When the loan for this device is over - i.e. when it is due back.
    deviceConfirmed DATETIME Date when device was confirmed, as stamped in Asset pane of Device Details window when using the Confirm button.
    deviceConfirmedBy VARCHAR(32) Who confirmed the device, as stamped in Asset pane of Device Details window when using the Confirm button.
    devicePurchaseID VARCHAR(80) The ID of the purchase linked to this device. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    devicePurchaseDate DATETIME Date when device was purchased. This date can be populated directly in the device record without linking to a purchase.
    deviceLeaseEndDate DATETIME Date when device lease ends. This date can be populated directly in the device record without linking to a purchase.
    deviceWarrantyDate DATETIME Date when device warranty expires. This date can be populated directly in the device record without linking to a purchase.
    deviceReplaceDate DATETIME Date when this device is expected to be replaced.
    deviceReplaceCost BIGINT Replacement cost for this device.
    deviceSalvageValue BIGINT Salvage value for this device.
    deviceInService DATETIME Date this device was put into service New in 8.0
    deviceBaseModelID VARCHAR(32) ID of the base model of this device New in 8.0
    deviceReplacementModelID VARCHAR(32) ID of the replacement model for this device New in 8.0
    deviceReplacementStatus INT ID of the replacement status for this device. See KSTerm tables New in 8.0
    deviceEOLAction INT ID of the end of life action for this device. See KSTerm tables New in 8.0
    deviceNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the device, as defined in Notes pane of Device Details window.
    deviceFlags INT Ignore.
    deviceCustom1 VARCHAR(64) There are 10 custom fields in the Devices table. In order to use these fields, they must first be defined per Custom Columns. Once defined, the columns will be available via ksODBC and will be exported. For example, if you name the first field "Segment", then the computers table will show a column named "deviceSegment". Note when using Filters you use usr0-9 as the field names.


    Field Format Type Description
    devhistID VARCHAR(40) Unique ID for this event.
    devhistServerID INT ID of the KeyServer where this event occurred.
    devhistWhen DATETIME Timestamp of the event occurrence.
    devhistEnum INT Enumeration value for events that occur within the same second.
    devhistDeviceID VARCHAR(64) ID of the Device for which the event occurred. References KSDevices
    devhistField VARCHAR(5) Four digit code for the field that was changed. See KSDevices.
    devhistType VARCHAR(5) Base type of the data, like “long” or “text”.
    devhistFrom VARCHAR(264) Original value of the changed field.
    devhistTo VARCHAR(264) New value of the changed field.
    devhistFromNumeric INT Numeric representation of the devhistFrom value.
    devhistToNumeric INT Numeric representation of the devhistTo value.
    devhistWho VARCHAR(64) Authenticated user that made the change. Blank if change was made by script or automation.
    devhistFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    hotfixID VARCHAR(48) Unique ID for this row of KSHotfixes.
    hotfixServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    hotfixStamp VARCHAR(17) The character stamp of the hotfix.
    hotfixName VARCHAR(64) The name of the hotfix.
    hotfixVersion VARCHAR(32) The version number of the hotfix, as text.
    hotfixPlatform INT What platform the hotfix is for. Use KSTermPlatform to convert these constants to string representations.
    hotfixPublisher VARCHAR(64) The publisher of the hotfix, if that information is known.
    hotfixCreateDate DATETIME The creation date of the hotfix.
    hotfixUserName VARCHAR(32) The name of the KeyServer user of the machine on which the hotfix was first seen.
    hotfixComputerID VARCHAR(64) The ID of the computer on which this hotfix was first seen. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    hotfixNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the hotfix. Can't be set manually in UI.
    hotfixFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    inuseID internal only Unique ID for this entry in the KSInUse table.
    inuseProgramID internal only The ID of the managed program which is in use. References the programID field of KSPrograms, and can be used to join the two tables.
    inusePolicyID internal only The ID of the policy which is in use. References the policyID field of KSPolicies, and can be used to join the two tables.
    inuseProductID internal only The ID of the product which is in use. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    inuseComputerID internal only The ID of the computer which is using the policy. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    inuseSessionID internal only The ID of the user who is logged in and using the policy. References the sessionID field of KSSessions, and can be used to join the two tables.
    inuseWhen internal only The time at which this program or policy started being used.
    inuseTime internal only The length of time which this program or policy has been in use.
    inuseExpiration internal only The date when this policy usage will expire (e.g. for a checked out portable license).
    inuseInstances internal only The number of copies of a program which are in use simultaneously.
    inusePoolID internal only The pool from which this license is being used. References the poolID field of KSPolicyPools, and can be used to join the two tables.
    inuseWaiting internal only True if this policy is not yet in use, but the user is queued for the policy.
    inuseReserved internal only True if the policy is reserved for the user, but the user has not yet obtained the policy.
    inuseOverdue internal only True if this policy expired, but has not yet been returned.
    inuseReclaimed internal only True if an administrator has reclaimed the license but it has not yet been returned.
    inuseFlags internal only Ignore.


    Both the KSJournal and KSJournalHistory tables hold Journal entries - either entries currently displayed in the Admin Alerts window or the Admin Journal window. Both tables contain the same fields as described here. The KSJournal table is not exported, since the entries are not yet resolved - they are expected to change and move over into the KSJournalHistory table, which is exported.
    Field Format Type Description
    journalID VARCHAR(40) Unique ID for this Journal entry.
    journalServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    journalWhat VARCHAR(5) A four character code indicating what general category this entry falls under.
    journalCode VARCHAR(5) A four character code indicating what specific type of entry this is (within the journalWhat category).
    journalTopicID VARCHAR(40) The topic that this entry belongs to. References the topicID field of KSJournalTopics, and can be used to join the two tables.
    journalWhen DATETIME Contains a date that is important to this journal entry. The date could store for example the date when a Purchase will expire. Or, for multiple entries of the same type that get combined, this could be the earliest date at which any of the entries was written.
    journalLatest DATETIME Contains the date when this entry was written. For multiple entries of the same type that have been combined, this is the most recent date at which any of the entries was written.
    journalCount INT The number of entries represented by this row in the database. This will only be greater than one when entries get combined.
    journalSectionID INT The section which this entry is relevant to. References the sectionID field of KSSections, and can be used to join the two tables. This could be set for example when a Policy that belongs to a Section is edited.
    journalSubjectType VARCHAR(5) A four character code indicating what type of object is relevant to this Journal Entry (e.g. it applies to a Policy).
    journalSubjectPerms INT Ignore.
    journalSubjectID VARCHAR(136) The ID of the object that is relevant to this Journal Entry. This field links to the object in its table, but which table is linked to depends on the journalSubjectType.
    journalSubjectName VARCHAR(64) The Name of the object that is relevant to this Journal Entry.
    journalSubjectAttributes VARCHAR(64) A text field indicating what attributes are relevant to the Journal Entry - e.g. for a Policy change, it is specifically the Name that was changed.
    journalAgent VARCHAR(64) A text field indicating what caused the Journal Entry to be created. For example this could be the name of an Administrator who took some action. Or it could be the name of something that happens automatically, like "PRS".
    journalAddress VARCHAR(32) The address that is relevant to the Journal Entry. For example the IP address where an Administrator was logged in when they took some action.
    journalComments VARCHAR(256) Comments on the Journal Entry. For an entry that is related to a manual action taken by and Administrator, these can be entered when the action is taken, if the relevant Topic is configured for "Ask".
    journalResolveTime DATETIME The date when this Journal Entry was resolved (moved from Alerts to Journal).
    journalResolveResult INT Ignore.
    journalResolveAdmin VARCHAR(64) The Admin who resolved the Journal Entry.
    journalResolveNotes VARCHAR(256) A second notes field for the Journal Entry that can only be entered when the entry is Resolved.
    journalResolveFlags INT Flags for this entry.


    Field Format Type Description
    topicID VARCHAR(40) Unique ID for this Topic.
    topicServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    topicWhat VARCHAR(5) A four character code indicating what general category this entry falls under.
    topicCode VARCHAR(5) A four character code indicating what specific type of entry this is (within the topicWhat category).
    topicSubjectType VARCHAR(5) A four character code indicating what type of object is relevant to this Topic (e.g. it applies to a Policy).
    topicTitle VARCHAR(64) The Title of this Topic.
    topicDescription VARCHAR(256) The Description of this Topic.
    topicResolveData VARCHAR(256) Ignore.
    topicCategory VARCHAR(5) A four character code indicating what general category this Topic is in. Similar to topicWhat.
    topicFlags INT Flags for this entry.


    Field Format Type Description
    licenseeID VARCHAR(160) Unique ID for this association between one Computer and one Policy.
    licenseeServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    licenseeComputerID VARCHAR(64) Part of the licenseeID. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    licenseePolicyID VARCHAR(32) Part of the licenseeID. References the policyID field of KSPolicies, and can be used to join the two tables.
    licenseeAcknowledged INT Ignore.
    licenseeLastUsed DATETIME When the computer last used the policy.
    licenseeLeaseDate DATETIME When the lease for this policy was issued to the computer.
    licenseeLeaseExpiration DATETIME When the lease for this policy will expire on this computer, unless there is further activity.
    licenseeEntitlements INT How many entitlements for the Policy are consumed by this computer. Generally this value is 1 but could be higher for Core or PVU Policies.


    Field Format Type Description
    licenseeID VARCHAR(160) Unique ID for this association between one User and one Policy.
    licenseeServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    licenseeUserID VARCHAR(64) Part of the licenseeID. References the userID field of KSUsers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    licenseePolicyID VARCHAR(32) Part of the licenseeID. References the policyID field of KSPolicies, and can be used to join the two tables.
    licenseeAcknowledged INT Ignore.
    licenseeLastUsed DATETIME When the User last used the policy.
    licenseeLeaseDate DATETIME When the lease for this policy was issued to the User.
    licenseeLeaseExpiration DATETIME When the lease for this policy will expire for this User, unless there is further activity.


    Field Format Type Description
    locationID VARCHAR(104) Unique ID for this Location.
    locationServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    locationProtocol INT Specifies what type of Location range this is. Use KSTermProtocol to convert these constants to string representations.
    locationName VARCHAR(64) Name of this Location.
    locationRangeBegin INT Specifies the beginning of the Location range.
    locationRangeEnd INT Specifies the end of the Location range.
    locationAllowed INT Specifies whether users are allowed to log in from this Location.
    locationNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for this Location.
    locationFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    modelID VARCHAR(32) Unique ID for this model.
    modelServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    modelName VARCHAR(64) Name for this model
    modelFolderID INT ID of the Folder associated with this model
    modelCategory INT ID of the Category of this model
    modelManufacturer VARCHAR(64) Manufacturer for this model
    modelModelName VARCHAR(32) Model name for this model definition
    modelFormFactor INT ID of the Form Factor for this model
    modelCPUName VARCHAR(32) CPU name for this model
    modelCPUCount INT Number of CPUs in this model
    modelCPUClock INT CPU speed for this model
    modelRAMSize INT RAM amount for this model
    modelDiskSize INT Disk space for this model
    modelGraphicsCard VARCHAR(32) Graphics card information for this model
    modelReleaseDate DATETIME Date this model was released
    modelEndSupportDate DATETIME End of Support date for this model
    modelCost BIGINT Cost for this model
    modelSalvageValue BIGINT Salvage value for this model
    modelReplacementModelID VARCHAR(32)
    modelReseller VARCHAR(32) Reseller for this Model
    modelResellerSKU VARCHAR(32) SKU for this model
    modelPictureURL VARCHAR(64) URL for an image of this model
    modelManufacturerURL VARCHAR(64) URL for the model at the manufacturer site
    modelResellerURL VARCHAR(64) URL for the model at the Reseller site
    modelAdditional VARCHAR(256) Additional information about this model
    modelNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for this model
    modelFlags INT Ignore


    Field Format Type Description
    packageID VARCHAR(64) Unique ID for this package.
    packageServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's policy certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    packageRefNum INT Used internally in KeyServer
    packageName VARCHAR(64) Name of the package.
    packageVersion VARCHAR(32) Version of the package.
    packagePublisher VARCHAR(64) Publisher of the package.
    packageProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of a product relevant to this package, if any. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    packageType INT Used internally in KeyServer
    0    type unknown
    1    ISO 19770-2 software tag
    2    MSI package ID
    3    MSI or other installer package ID
    4    OS X package "receipt" ID
    5    package ID based on Add/Remove Programs string
    6    IBM Software Delivery Platform package ID
    packageDiscovered DATETIME The date on which this package was discovered.
    packageFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    policyID VARCHAR(32) Unique ID for this policy.
    policyServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's policy certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    policyRefNum INT Used internally in KeyServer
    policyName VARCHAR(64) Name of the policy.
    policyAction INT Policy Action, as configured in KeyConfigure. Use KSTermPolicyAction to see which number refers to each policy action.
    policyMetric INT Policy metric, as configured in KeyConfigure. Use KSTermMetric to see which number refers to each policy metric.
    policyMaximum INT Total number of licenses enabled.
    policyAllocated INT An estimate of how many licenses for each policy have been Allocated. KeyServer will calculate this value differently depending on the license Metric for the Policy.
    policyLeaseTime INT Lease Duration in seconds.
    policyStatus INT Indicates whether the policy is in effect. 1 for active policies, 0 if the policy has been disabled using the checkbox in the Policy Details window, 5 if the policy has expired.
    policyExpiration DATETIME Policy Expiration Date.
    policyEnforcement INT Policy Enforcement type. Use KSTermEnforcement to convert these constants to string representations.
    policyOptions INT Field containing various options (flags) for the policy.
    policyFolderID INT Indicates which folder the policy belongs to, if any. References the polfolderID field of KSPolicyFolders, and can be used to join the two tables.
    policySectionID INT ID of the Section which this policy applies to. References the sectionID field of KSSections, and can be used to join the two tables.
    policyContractID INT ID of the contract associated with this policy. References the contractID field of KSContracts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    policyCostCenter VARCHAR(64) Cost Center for this policy.
    policyDownloadURL VARCHAR(256) A URL where software that can be used with this Policy can be downloaded.
    policyMessage VARCHAR(256) The custom message for the policy, as configured in KeyConfigure.
    policyNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the policy, as configured in KeyConfigure.
    policyFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    polfolderID INT Unique ID for this folder.
    polfolderServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    polfolderName VARCHAR(64) The name of the folder.
    polfolderColor INT The color which KeyConfigure uses to display the folder. When displayed as hex, the first two digits are the Blue value, the next two are the Green value, the final two are the Red value.
    polfolderNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the folder. Can't be set in UI.
    polfolderFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    polhistID VARCHAR(40) Unique ID for this event.
    polhistServerID INT ID of the KeyServer where this event occurred.
    polhistWhen DATETIME Timestamp of the event occurrence.
    polhistEnum INT
    polhistPolicyID VARCHAR(64) ID of the Policy for which the event occurred. References KSPolicys
    polhistField VARCHAR(5) Four digit code for the field that was changed. See KSPolicies.
    polhistType VARCHAR(5) Type of event that occurred.
    polhistFrom VARCHAR(264) Original value of the changed field.
    polhistTo VARCHAR(264) New value of the changed field.
    polhistFromNumeric INT
    polhistToNumeric INT
    polhistWho VARCHAR(64) Authenticated user that made the change. Blank if change was made by script or automation.
    polhistFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    poolID VARCHAR(32) Unique ID for this pool.
    poolServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    poolPolicyID VARCHAR(32) ID of the policy which this pool belongs to. References the policyID field of KSPolicies, and can be used to join the two tables.
    poolIndex INT Index of this pool within pools for the policy.
    poolGroupID VARCHAR(64) ID of the group associated with this pool. References the groupID field of KSComputerGroups, and can be used to join the two tables.
    poolLimit INT License limit for this pool.
    poolTimeout INT Timeout for this pool.
    poolNetwork INT Corresponds to "Can be used on network" checkbox in KeyConfigure.
    poolPortable INT Corresponds to "Can be used as Portable Key" checkbox in KeyConfigure.
    poolInUse INT Number of licenses in use from this pool.
    internal only
    poolFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    polprodID VARCHAR(64) Unique ID for this entry in the KSPolicyProducts table.
    polprodServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    polprodPolicyID VARCHAR(32) The ID of the policy relevant to this association. References the policyID field of KSPolicies, and can be used to join the two tables.
    polprodProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the product relevant to this association. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    polprodPosition INT Order in which to try to use various policies for a given product. Lower numbers are used first.
    polprodFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    tagID VARCHAR(158) Unique ID for this Policy tag.
    tagServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    tagPolicyID VARCHAR(32) Part of the tagID. The Policy which this tag applies to. References the policyID field of KSPolicies, and can be used to join the two tables.
    tagName VARCHAR(64) The name of the tag.
    tagValue VARCHAR(64) The value of the tag.


    Field Format Type Description
    portID internal only Unique ID for this entry in the KSInUse table.
    portPolicyID internal only The ID of the policy which is checked out. References the policyID field of KSPolicies, and can be used to join the two tables.
    portUserName internal only The name of the user who checked the portable out.
    portComputerID internal only The ID of the computer which has checked out the license. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    portWhen internal only The time at which the portable was checked out.
    portExpiration internal only The date when this portable will expire.
    portPoolID internal only ID of the pool that this portable was checked out against. References the poolID field of KSPolicyPools, and can be used to join the two tables.
    portFlags internal only Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    componentID VARCHAR(112) Unique ID for this entry in the KSProductComponents table.
    componentServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    componentProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the product relevant to this association. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    componentProgramVariant VARCHAR(80) The variant of the program relevant to this association. References the programVariant field of KSPrograms, and can be used to join the two tables.
    componentUtility INT Non-zero if the program is just a utility in the product.
    componentPosition INT Order in which to try to use various policies for a given product. Lower numbers are used first.
    componentFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    familyID VARCHAR(72) Unique ID for this entry in the KSProductFamilies table.
    familyServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    familyProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the family product relevant to this association. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    familyEditionID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the edition product relevant to this association. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.


    Field Format Type Description
    prodfolderID INT Unique ID for this product folder.
    prodfolderServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    prodfolderName VARCHAR(64) The name of the folder.
    prodfolderColor INT The color which KeyConfigure uses to display the folder. When displayed as hex, the first two digits are the Blue value, the next two are the Green value, the final two are the Red value.
    prodfolderNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the folder. Can't be set in UI.
    prodfolderFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    prodpkgID VARCHAR(168) Unique ID for this entry in the KSProductPackages table.
    prodpkgServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    prodpkgProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the family product relevant to this association. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    prodpkgPackageID VARCHAR(64) The ID of the package relevant to this association. References the packageID field of KSPackages, and can be used to join the two tables.


    Field Format Type Description
    productID VARCHAR(40) Unique ID for this row of KSProducts.
    productServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    productName VARCHAR(64) This name of the product.
    productVersion VARCHAR(16) The version of the product, as text.
    productPlatform INT What platform the product is for. Use KSTermPlatform to convert these constants to string representations.
    productReleaseDate DATETIME The date on which this product was released.
    productSupportDate DATETIME The date on which support for this product ends.
    productEndLifeDate DATETIME The end of life date for this product.
    productFolderID INT Indicates which folder the product belongs to, if any. References the prodfoldID field of KSProductFolders, and can be used to join the two tables.
    productUpgradeID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the product for which this product is an upgrade.
    productStatus INT Status of the product. Use KSTermProductStatus to convert these constants to string representations.
    productTracked INT Ignore
    productInstalls INT A count of the installs of the Product as tallied by the product audit.
    productReferences INT A count of the number of Policies and Purchases that reference the Product.
    productPublisher VARCHAR(64) The publisher of the product. Pre-populated by PRS
    productCategory VARCHAR(64) The category of the product. Pre-populated by PRS
    productContact VARCHAR(64) The contact for the product.
    productContactAddress VARCHAR(256) The URL for the product website. Pre-populated by PRS
    productDefinedBy VARCHAR(32) The person or company who defined this product in KeyConfigure.
    productExternalID VARCHAR(64) Custom field, open use
    productExternalURL VARCHAR(256) Custom field, open use
    productDescription VARCHAR(256) Description of product provided by PRS
    productWebDescription VARCHAR(256) Description of product provided by manual input in detail record. Overrides Description.
    productNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the product.
    productFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    tagID VARCHAR(168) Unique ID for this Product tag.
    tagServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    tagProductID VARCHAR(40) Part of the tagID. The Product which this tag applies to. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    tagName VARCHAR(64) The name of the tag.
    tagValue VARCHAR(64) The value of the tag.


    Field Format Type Description
    folderID INT Unique ID for this program folder.
    folderServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    folderName VARCHAR(64) The name of the folder.
    folderColor INT The color which KeyConfigure uses to display the folder. When displayed as hex, the first two digits are the Blue value, the next two are the Green value, the final two are the Red value.
    folderNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the folder. Can't be set in UI.
    folderFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    programID VARCHAR(80) Unique ID for this row of KSPrograms. Note this is different for every version. If there is a single entry in the programs window of KeyConfigure, but there are 3 versions in the expandable name in the Actions pane of the program details window, there are then 3 rows in KSPrograms, each with a different programID, but the same programVariant.
    programServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    programVariant VARCHAR(80) This is the programID, masked to some degree. A single value of programVariant corresponds to a single item in KeyConfigure's programs window.
    programCharStamp VARCHAR(17) The character stamp of the program.
    programName VARCHAR(64) The name of the program.
    programVariantName VARCHAR(64) The name of the item in KeyConfigure's programs window under which this specific version of the program appears.
    programVariantVersion VARCHAR(32) A string representation of the common part of the version, for all versions which KeyConfigure considers a single "program" (i.e. entry in the programs window).
    programAIVersion VARCHAR(32) Alternative format of programVariantVersion.
    programVersionMask INT A number representation of the version mask, which has been set in KeyConfigure. This is used to compute the programVariant from the programID.
    programVersion VARCHAR(32) The version number of the program, as text.
    programPlatform INT What platform the program runs on. Use KSTermPlatform to convert these constants to string representations.
    programPublisher VARCHAR(64) The publisher of the program, if that information is known.
    programPath VARCHAR(256) The path of the first copy of the program which was ever seen.
    programFileName VARCHAR(32) The file name of the first copy of the program which was ever seen.
    programKeyed INT Indicates whether this program is keyed.
    programStatus INT This corresponds to the status - which relates to Product membership. Use KSTermStatus to convert these constants to string representations.
    programAcknowledged INT A boolean representing whether or not the program has been acknowledged in KeyConfigure by an administrator. If this value is false, the program shows up as a pink item in the KeyConfigure programs window.
    programAudit INT Whether to include this program in software audits.
    programFolderID INT Indicates which folder the program belongs to, if any. References the folderID field of KSProgramFolders, and can be used to join the two tables.
    programLaunchSeen INT Non-zero if KeyServer has ever seen a launch of this program, from any client.
    programDiscMethod INT Indicates how the program was discovered - either by launch (0), audit (1), keying (2), admin (3), or import(4).
    programDiscovered DATETIME The date on which this program was discovered, either by an audit, or by a launch of the program.
    programCreateDate DATETIME The creation date of the program.
    programUserName VARCHAR(32) The name of the KeyServer user of the machine on which the program was first seen.
    programComputerID VARCHAR(64) The ID of the computer on which this program was first seen. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    programNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the program, if they have been typed in the Notes pane of the program details window of KeyConfigure.
    programFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    allocationID VARCHAR(152) Unique ID for this entry in the KSPurchaseAllocations table.
    allocationServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    allocationPurchaseID VARCHAR(80) The ID of the purchase from which allocations are being made. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    allocationUpgradeID VARCHAR(80) The ID of the purchase to which allocations are being made. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    allocationQuantity INT The number of entitlements that are being allocated.
    allocationFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    codeID VARCHAR(208) Unique ID for this entry in the KSPurchaseCodes table.
    codeServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    codePurchaseID VARCHAR(80) The ID of the purchase which this code belongs to. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    codeValue VARCHAR(64) The Name given to this code entry in the KeyConfigure UI
    codeAssignCount INT Number of copies assigned for this entry. Totaled automatically based on Assignments.
    codeAssignLimit INT Number of copies available for this entry, set by Maximum field in UI.
    codeProductID VARCHAR(40) References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables. See also audprodAltProductID below.
    codeNotes VARCHAR(256) Open notes field
    codeFlags INT Ignore this field, internal flag use. Stores platform info.


    Field Format Type Description
    ownerID VARCHAR(308) Unique ID for this entry in the table
    ownerServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    ownerCodeID VARCHAR(240) An internal index field.
    ownerPurchaseID VARCHAR(80) The ID of the purchase which this document belongs to. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    ownerCode VARCHAR(80) Link to the PurchaseCode via the codeValue field
    ownerName VARCHAR(32) Text or link for the Name field (see ownerKind)
    ownerProductID VARCHAR(40) Product for which this code is relevant. References the productID field of KSproducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    ownerKind INT 0 if a link to a Computer (drag and drop from Computers Window), 1 if anything else


    Field Format Type Description
    documentID VARCHAR(152) Unique ID for this entry in the KSPurchaseDocuments table.
    documentServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    documentPurchaseID VARCHAR(80) The ID of the purchase which this document belongs to. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    documentName VARCHAR(32) The name of this document.
    documentURL VARCHAR(256) The URL of this document.
    documentDateAdded DATETIME Date and time when the document was added to the purchase record.


    Field Format Type Description
    purchfolderID INT Unique ID for this folder.
    purchfolderServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    purchfolderName VARCHAR(64) The name of the folder.
    purchfolderColor INT The color which KeyConfigure uses to display the folder. When displayed as hex, the first two digits are the Blue value, the next two are the Green value, the final two are the Red value.
    purchfolderNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the folder. Can't be set in KeyConfigure.
    purchfolderFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    purchaseID VARCHAR(80) Unique ID for this entry in the KSPurchaseItems table.
    purchaseServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    purchaseOrderID VARCHAR(32) The ID of the purchase order which this item is part of. References the orderID field of KSPurchaseOrders, and can be used to join the two tables.
    purchaseItemNumber INT The item number within the purchase order. This value is unique across the various items within an order.
    purchaseName VARCHAR(128) The Name of this purchase item.
    purchaseStatus INT A number which is 0 for a purchase with the Dormant checkbox enabled, and non-zero for other purchases.
    purchaseType INT A number which encodes the purchase type. Use KSTermPurchaseType to convert these constants to string representations.
    purchaseEntitlementType INT A number which encodes the entitlement type. Use KSTermEntitlementType to convert these constants to string representations.
    purchaseMetric INT A number which encodes the metric type. Use KSTermMetric to convert these constants to string representations.
    purchaseFolderID INT Indicates which folder the purchase belongs to, if any. References the purchfolderID field of KSPurchaseFolders, and can be used to join the two tables.
    purchaseQuantity INT Number of packages purchased.
    purchaseEntitlementsPerPackage INT Number of entitlements in each package.
    purchaseStartDate DATETIME The date on which these entitlements become active.
    purchaseEndDate DATETIME The date on which these entitlements expire
    purchaseRenewDate DATETIME The date until which upgrade rights are included for this purchase.
    purchaseCurrency INT A number which encodes the currency for this purchase. Use KSTermCurrencyType to convert these constants to string representations.
    purchaseExtendedCost BIGINT The extended price for this purchase.
    purchaseConvertedCost BIGINT The converted price for this purchase.
    purchaseUnitMSRP BIGINT The MSRP Unit price for this purchase.
    purchaseUnitPrice BIGINT The unit price for this purchase.
    purchaseUpgradePrice BIGINT The upgrade price for this purchase.
    purchaseProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the product which was purchased. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    purchaseEffectiveProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the product which this purchase currently entitles. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    purchaseModelID VARCHAR(40) Not yet used.
    purchaseInvoice VARCHAR(32) Invoice number for this purchase.
    purchaseSectionID INT ID of the Section associated with this purchase. References the sectionID field of KSSections, and can be used to join the two tables.
    purchaseContractID INT ID of the contract associated with this purchase. References the contractID field of KSContracts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    purchaseGroup VARCHAR(64) Group for this purchase.
    purchaseDepartment VARCHAR(64) Department for this purchase.
    purchaseCostCenter VARCHAR(64) Cost Center for this purchase.
    purchaseResellerSKU VARCHAR(32) Reseller SKU for this purchase.
    purchaseManufacturerSKU VARCHAR(32) Manufacturer SKU for this purchase.
    purchaseExternalID VARCHAR(32) External ID for this purchase. Can be used to link to other data sources.
    purchaseLocation VARCHAR(64) Location for this purchase.
    purchaseReference VARCHAR(256) Reference data for this purchase.
    purchaseEmail VARCHAR(64) Email associated with this purchase, which will be used to send renewal reminders.
    purchaseConditions VARCHAR(256) Special conditions for this purchase.
    purchaseDescription VARCHAR(256) Description for this purchase.
    purchaseNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for this purchase.
    purchaseFlags INT Ignore.
    purchaseCustom1 VARCHAR(64) There are 10 custom fields in the Purchases table. In order to use these fields, they must first be defined per Custom Columns. Once defined, the columns will be available via ksODBC and will be exported. For example, if you name the first field "Segment", then the computers table will show a column named "purchaseSegment". Note when using Filters you use usr0-9 as the field names.


    Field Format Type Description
    orderID VARCHAR(32) Unique ID for this entry in the KSPurchaseOrders table. This is the PO number.
    orderServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    orderDate DATETIME The date of this PO.
    orderFolderID INT Ignore.
    orderResellerPO VARCHAR(32) The reseller's PO number for this PO, if applicable.
    orderReseller VARCHAR(32) The reseller for this PO, if applicable.
    orderRecipient VARCHAR(32) The recipient of this PO, if applicable.
    orderNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for this PO.
    orderFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    supportID VARCHAR(120) Unique ID for this entry in the KSPurchaseSupport table.
    supportServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    supportPurchaseID VARCHAR(80) The ID of the purchase which is relevant to this entry. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    supportProductID VARCHAR(40) The ID of the product relevant to this association. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.


    Field Format Type Description
    tagID VARCHAR(208) Unique ID for this Purchase tag.
    tagServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    tagPurchaseID VARCHAR(80) Part of the tagID. The Purchase which this tag applies to. References the purchaseID field of KSPurchaseItems, and can be used to join the two tables.
    tagName VARCHAR(64) The name of the tag.
    tagValue VARCHAR(64) The value of the tag.


    Field Format Type Description
    serverID INT Unique ID for this entry in KSServers. When connected directly to a KeyServer, the one entry in this table will have serverID 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    serverType INT 0 for a server, 1 for a shadow.
    serverName VARCHAR(32) The AppleTalk/IPX name of the server.
    serverComputer VARCHAR(64) The name of the computer on which the KeyServer is running.
    serverSerialNumber VARCHAR(32) The displayable serial number.
    serverVersion VARCHAR(16) The version of the server.
    serverStartTime DATETIME Date and time when the server was started up.
    serverGMTOffset INT Offset from GMT in seconds.
    serverTimeZone VARCHAR(16) Name of the timezone where the server is.
    serverSeats INT Number of clients supported.
    serverFullClients INT Current number of clients.
    serverActiveSessions INT Current number of Active sessions.
    serverFloatingSessions INT Ignore.
    serverFloatingRatio INT Ignore.
    serverLicensesInUse INT Current number of Licenses in use by KeyServer clients.
    internal only
    serverLicensesInQueue INT Current number of Licenses Queued for KeyServer clients.
    internal only


    Field Format Type Description
    sectionID INT Unique ID for this section.
    sectionServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    sectionName VARCHAR(64) The name of the section.
    sectionColor INT Ignore.
    sectionNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the section. Can't be set in UI.
    sectionFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description

    Every term table has the following three fields:

    termID INT The unique ID for this term entry. This is the field to link to from whatever field needs to be interpreted.
    termValue VARCHAR(256) A long string describing the code.
    termAbbreviation VARCHAR(32) A short string describing the code.


    Field Format Type Description
    usageID VARCHAR(104) Unique ID for this entry in KSUsage.
    usageWhen DATETIME Date and time when this usage event occured.
    usageEnum INT This distinguishes between two or more usage events during the same second.
    usageServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    usageServerType INT Whether this event was logged by the KeyServer (value is 0), or by a shadow (value is 1).
    usageProgramID VARCHAR(80) If this event involved a program, the ID for the program. References the programID field of KSPrograms, and can be used to join the two tables.
    usageProductID VARCHAR(40) Program launch and quit events get put in the Usage table because they belong to a product. Managed program events contain the relevant product ID in this field. References the productID field of KSProducts, and can be used to join the two tables.
    usagePolicyID VARCHAR(32) If this event involved a policy, the ID of the policy. References the policyID field of KSPolicies, and can be used to join the two tables.
    usageComputerID VARCHAR(64) The ID of the computer which generated this usage event. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    usageDivisionID INT ID of the division which was associated with the computer with id usageComputerID at the time of the usage event. References the divisionID field of KSComputerDivisions, and can be used to join the two tables.
    usageExpansion VARCHAR(32) Reserved for future use - ignore.
    usageUser VARCHAR(32) The name of the user on the computer which generated this usage event.
    usageAddress VARCHAR(32) The IP address of the machine at the time of this usage action. Note this could change from event to event for the same computer if you use DHCP.
    usageGroup VARCHAR(64) Name of the group which allowed the policy to be used. This may be equal to a value of KSComputerGroups.groupID, but it may not.
    usageEvent INT What type of event occured. Use KSTermEvent to convert these constants to string representations. For more about each event type, see the events document.
    usageReason INT Extra information on what caused the event. Use KSTermReason to convert these constants to string representations.
    usageTime INT How long a certain state was in affect for. Only meaningful for "end" events, like policy return, program quit, user removed from wait queue, etc.
    usageOtherTime DATETIME For "end" type events (program quit, policy return, user logoff, server shutdown), this field contains the date and time when the corresponding "start" event occured. Equal to usageWhen - usageTime for these events.
    usageForegroundTime INT The amount of time the program(s) ran as the frontmost window. For Product and Policy events, this is the sum of the foreground time for all associated programs.
    usageGMTOffset INT GMT Offset in seconds of timezone where this usage event occured.
    usageCount INT Reserved for future use - ignore.
    usageFamilyProductID VARCHAR(40) ID of Family Product for usage event.
    usageFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    usrfolderID INT Unique ID for this folder.
    usrfolderServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    usrfolderName VARCHAR(64) The name of the folder.
    usrfolderColor INT The color which KeyConfigure uses to display the folder. When displayed as hex, the first two digits are the Blue value, the next two are the Green value, the final two are the Red value.
    usrfolderNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the folder. Can't be set in UI.
    usrfolderFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    userID VARCHAR(64) Unique ID for this user.
    userServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    userLastLogin DATETIME Last date and time at which this user logged in to the KeyServer.
    userComputerID VARCHAR(64) The computer that the user last logged in on. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    userFolderID INT Indicates which folder the user belongs to, if any. References the folderID field of KSUserFolders, and can be used to join the two tables.
    userDepartment VARCHAR(64) The department of this user.
    userDomain VARCHAR(32) The domain that this user is part of.
    userPhone VARCHAR(32) Phone number of the user.
    userEmail VARCHAR(64) Email address of the user.
    userExternalID VARCHAR(32) External ID for this user. Can be used to link to other data sources.
    userNotes VARCHAR(256) Notes for the user.
    userFlags INT Ignore.


    Field Format Type Description
    tagID VARCHAR(264) Unique ID for this User tag.
    tagServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database.
    tagUserID VARCHAR(64) Part of the tagID. The User which this tag applies to. References the userID field of KSUsers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    tagName VARCHAR(64) The name of the tag.
    tagValue VARCHAR(64) The value of the tag.


    Field Format Type Description
    sessionID internal only Unique ID for this user. (unique forever, only valid as long as user is logged in)
    sessionSession internal only Attribute which is used internally by KeyServer. It is essentially useless for reports.
    sessionName internal only The name of the user who is logged in in this session.
    sessionComputerID internal only The computer that the session is active on. References the computerID field of KSComputers, and can be used to join the two tables.
    sessionComputerName internal only The name of the computer that the session is active on.
    sessionClientVersion internal only The KeyAccess client version which this session is connected with.
    sessionProtocol internal only Specifies the protocol used for this session with KeyServer. Use KSTermProtocol to convert these constants to string representations.
    sessionAddress internal only TCP address where this session is active.
    sessionLicenseCount internal only The number of licenses in use in this session.
    sessionReservationCount internal only The number of licenses reserved for this session.
    sessionWaitingID internal only Attribute which is used internally by KeyServer. It is essentially useless for reports.


    Field Format Type Description
    dbexTable VARCHAR(32) Name of one of the other tables (e.g. "KSPrograms"). This is part of the key for this table.
    dbexServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. If you are querying data directly from KeyServer, this will be 0. The "feature.server" attribute from the KeyServer's license certificate is filled in when tables are exported to an external database. This is part of the key for this table.
    dbexLast INT Number which represents the last time the table specified by dbexTable was exported by the server of ID dbexServerID. This number is updated after each export.


    Field Format Type Description
    dbexstatusServerID INT The ID of the server which created this entry. This is the key for this table.
    dbexstatusCurrentTable VARCHAR(32) The name of the table that is currently being exported
    dbexstatusProgress INT A number that represents the progress in exporting the current table.
    dbexstatusStart VARCHAR(32) The date and time at which the current export started.
    dbexstatusComplete VARCHAR(32) The date and time that the export completed.

    Example Queries

    To give a better idea of how these tables can be used, here are some example queries. First, let's look at how we could produce an overview of how many computers within each Division have someone actively logged in:

    SELECT MAX(divisionName),MAX(divisionID),COUNT(computerUserSession),
    		{oj KSComputers LEFT OUTER JOIN KSComputerDivisions ON computerDivisionID=divisionID
    			AND computerServerID=divisionServerID}
    		(divisionName IS NOT NULL)

    Because of the GROUP BY, this query returns one row for each Division. It selects the division name, division id (which can then be used to restrict a query to just that division), number of computers in the division with someone logged in, number of computers in the division without someone logged in, total number of computers, percent logged in, and percent not logged in. Next let's look at a query to show specific computers within a certain division:

    SELECT computerName,computerUserSession,computerUserName

    1234234 gets replaced with the appropriate divisionID, which was selected in the summary query above. The first column is the name of each computer within the division (this may not quite match what KeyConfigure displays in the Computers window - see the notes about the KSComputer fields for more). The second column is NULL if no one is currently logged in to the computer, and non NULL if someone is logged in to the computer. The third column is the name of the last user who logged in to the computer (which is the currently logged in user if there is someone logged in).

    Next, here is an example that is somewhat like what the Usage (PRGM x user) report might do:

    SELECT MAX(programVariantName),MAX(programVariantVersion),MAX(usageUser),
    		{oj KSUsage INNER JOIN KSPrograms ON KSUsage.usageProgramID=KSPrograms.programID
    			AND KSUsage.usageServerID=KSPrograms.programServerID }
    		(usageEvent=4 OR usageEvent=9 OR usageEvent=11 OR usageEvent=13) AND programStatus > 1
    		AND usageWhen >= {ts '2017-12-01 00:00:00'} AND usageOtherTime < {ts '2018-01-01 00:00:00'}

    First of all, notice the join between KSUsage and KSPrograms. Technically, the usageServerID to programServerID should be included as a condition, but it is really only important if you have multiple KeyServers exporting to the same database. This is very similar to how you would do joins between KSUsage and KSComputers or KSPolicies. Next, look at the WHERE clause. It selects all the various types of program quit events (you can find the event codes by looking at the KSTermEvent table). Additionally, it only selects events for programs which are currently a component of a product (look at KSTermStatus). Finally, it selects events for which at least part of the usage was in December of 2007 - the quit was after December 1 and the corresponding launch was before January 1. With these various events, it groups by programVariantName and programVariant (since multiple programs may have the same Variant name), then by user. Finally, the fields it displays show summarization of usage. The first three fields identify which program and user this line is for. Next, the total number of quits, duration of usage, and most recent quit are selected. The actual KeyConfigure report is quite a bit more complicated than this. Most importantly, it selects every event and then processes and summarizes them within the report module, instead of having the SQL query doing the grouping and summarization. This allows it only count usage time that overlaps the selected time range. For example, if a program were launched on November 25 and left running until Dec 1, the SQL query above would count a whole week of usage, but the internal report would calculate the overlap and only count 1 day of usage. The internal report is also able to show a line summarizing usage for each program as a whole, as well as the details of each program/user combination. It also has a few more fields than what is shown above, and formats usage durations as hours:minutes instead of a raw number of seconds.

    Note also that the syntax for the join and for date stamps has to be adjusted depending on what ODBC driver is being used. The syntax shown above is the correct syntax for ksODBC.

    Updating Exported databases

    If you have a 7.9 or earlier KeyServer configured to export data to an external database, you should update the table structure of your external tables to match the new structure of internal tables in KeyServer 8.0. There is no requirement that you do this - if you keep the same structure as before, KeyServer will continue to add data to any columns that exist in the external database, but data for the new columns will be dropped. KeyServer will attempt to create the tables that are new, which will work as long as the account used for export has CREATE TABLE privileges.

    In order to manually update the external database, here are the commands we recommend using. As long as the account used for export has CREATE TABLE privileges, you can leave out any of the CREATE TABLE commands that appear below. Note that if you are upgrading from an earlier version you should also look at the commands for upgrading from that version. See also: changes from 7.8 to 7.9.

    ALTER TABLE KSComputers ADD ( computerInService DATETIME, computerBaseModelID VARCHAR(32), computerReplacementModelID VARCHAR(32), computerReplacementStatus INT, computerEOLAction INT )
    ALTER TABLE KSdevices ADD ( deviceInService DATETIME, deviceBaseModelID VARCHAR(32), deviceReplacementModelID VARCHAR(32), deviceReplacementStatus INT, deviceEOLAction INT )
    CREATE TABLE KSModels ( modelID VARCHAR(32), modelServerID INT, modelName VARCHAR(64), modelFolderID INT, modelCategory INT, modelManufacturer VARCHAR(64), modelModelName VARCHAR(64), modelFormFactor INT, modelCPUName VARCHAR(32), modelCPUCount INT, modelCPUClock INT, modelRAMSize INT, modelDiskSize INT, modelGraphicsCard VARCHAR(32), modelReleaseDate DATETIME, modelEndSupportDate DATETIME, modelCost BIGINT, modelSalvageValue BIGINT, modelReplacementModelID VARCHAR(32), modelReseller VARCHAR(32), modelResellerSKU VARCHAR(32), modelPictureURL VARCHAR(64), modelManufacturerURL VARCHAR(64), modelResellerURL VARCHAR(64), modelAdditional VARCHAR(256), modelNotes VARCHAR(256), modelFlags INT )