KSR Viewer — Offline Reports Viewer

The KSR Viewer utility can be freely distributed to people who need to look at Sassafras Server reports saved in the .ksr format. With KSR Viewer you can share Sassafras Server reports with people who do not have a Sassafras Server admin account. The KSR Viewer utility will open and display a saved .ksr report file just like KeyConfigure but without a connection to the KeyServer. Of course KeyConfigure can also save reports in other formats (text, xml, etc.) but these cannot be viewed within Configure or KSR Viewer so therefore these other formats cannot take advantage of ksr display and sorting features. Note: KSR Viewer is limited to just displaying a ksr report while KeyConfigure both displays the report and connects its data to rest of the administrative interface – e.g. with KeyConfigure, double-clicking on a Policy item in a ksr window will bring up the Policy Details window (its configuration interface).


KSR Viewer is a simple executable (no installer required) that is implemented for Windows (ksrview.exe) and for Macintosh (KSRViewer.app). It is included as part of the complete Sassafras Software image archive (KSP-v77.zip or KSP-v77.dmg). Look in the Misc sub-folder inside the Installers folder for the appropriate platform.

The installers are also available for download individually here:

Sorting and Display options

With a saved ksr report opened in KSR Viewer, click on a column header to sort. This is useful for quickly finding the most extreme cases of any particular attribute – for example in a report that lists launches and usage times, sort on the appropriate column to locate the program which is used most often, or the most number of hours.

Many reports also have columns which are not visible by default. For example, all grouped reports have an optional column named "Count Details". This column allows you to see how many details lines are contained under each group line. If you right-click in the column header area, you can "Customize Columns" – choose which columns to show or hide.

If a report has multiple views, you will see two little arrows next to the report name in the upper left of the report window. Clicking on the report name will bring up a pop-up menu that allows you to change views. In most reports this is used to "flip" the report. For example, if you are looking at a Usage (COMP x plcy) report (which groups by Computer), rather than run the Usage (PLCY x comp) report in order to see the report grouped the other way, simply click on the double arrow icon to switch the view.